

By default keyboard shortcuts are provided to make it easier to interact with the theme, but it is possible to define specific shortcuts through a minimum of configuration. For example, it is possible to get the list of available shortcuts using the shortcut Shift + k.

Define a specific shortcut#

To define a shortcut, follow this process (example with the example (Maj + 1) shortcut from the theme website):

  1. Define the general configuration of the shortcut in the site specific configuration file (Cf. highlighted lines below):
    config.toml ([params] section)
      2  # Website logo file paths
      3  logo                    = "images/logo.png"
      4  logoTouch               = "images/logoTouch.png"
      5  # Image file path displayed during a 404 error
      6  image404                = "images/404.gif"
      7  # Favicon website file path
      8  favicon                 = "images/favicon.png"
      9  # Default layout used for the homepage
     10  homeLayout              = "onboarding"
     11  # Site content order (
     12  siteContentOrder        = "weight"
     13  # Activate/Deactivate the table of contents globally (sitewide)
     14  toc                     = true
     15  # Activate a global banner on all website pages
     16  globalBanner            = true
     17  # Curent version of the website
     18  currentVersion          = "latest"
     19  # Url of the latest version of the website
     20  latestVersionUrl        = ""
     21  # Enforce Link resolution using relref function (
     22  enforceRefrelLinks      = true
     23  # Disable "Print" button in navbar
     24  navbarPrintEntry        = false
     25  # Disable "QR code" button in navbar
     26  navbarQRCodeEntry       = false
     27  # Disable "Shortcuts" button in navbar
     28  navbarSchortcutsEntry   = false
     29  # Disable "About" button in navbar
     30  navbarInfo              = false
     31  # Keyboard shortcuts list
     32  # For each shortcut following keys must be sets:
     33  # - keys     = [Keyboard shortcuts table](
     34  # - function = "Javascript function name to call by the shortcut"
     35  [params.navbar.shortcuts]
     36    # Example shortcut definition
     37    [params.navbar.shortcuts.example]
     38      keys     = ["Shift","1"]
     39      function = "scExample"
     40  # Taxonomies list
     41  # For each taxonomy following keys can be sets:
     42  # - icon = "Fontawesome classes associated to the taxonomy"
     43  [params.taxonomies]
     44    [params.taxonomies.categories]
     45      icon = "fa-solid fa-table-cells"
     46  # Assets list ( to include
     47  # Managed assets:
     48  # - sass                  = [List of SASS files]
     49  # - css                   = [List of CSS files]
     50  # - js                    = [List of javascript files]
     51  # - jsModules             = [List of javascript modules]
     52  # - shortcodes.css        = [List of CSS files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
     53  # - shortcodes.js         = [List of javascript files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
     54  # - shortcodes.jsModules  = [List of javascript module files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
     55  # - fencedcodes.css       = [List of CSS files to includes when the associated language of fenced code exist in the page content]
     56  # - fencedcodes.js        = [List of javascript files to includes when the associated language of fenced code exist in the page content]
     57  # - fencedcodes.jsModules = [List of javascript module files to includes when the associated language of fenced code exist in the page content]
     58  #
     59  [params.includes]
     60    sass = [
     61      "sass/file1.sass",
     62      "sass/fileX.sass"
     63    ]
     64    css = [
     65      "css/file1.css",
     66      "css/fileX.css"
     67    ]
     68    js = [
     69      "js/file1.js",
     70      "js/fileX.js"
     71    ]
     72    jsModules = [
     73      "js/modules/file1.js",
     74      "js/modules/fileX.js"
     75    ]
     76  [params.includes.shortcodes.sass]
     77    shortcode1 = [
     78        "sass/shortcodes/shortcode1.sass"
     79      ]
     80    shortcodeX = [
     81        "sass/shortcodes/shortcodeX.sass"
     82      ]
     83  [params.includes.shortcodes.css]
     84    shortcode1 = [
     85        "css/shortcodes/shortcode1.css"
     86      ]
     87    shortcodeX = [
     88        "css/shortcodes/shortcodeX.css"
     89      ]
     90  [params.includes.shortcodes.js]
     91    shortcode1 = [
     92        "js/shortcodes/shortcode1.js"
     93      ]
     94    shortcodeX = [
     95        "js/shortcodes/shortcodeX.js"
     96      ]
     97  [params.includes.shortcodes.jsModules]
     98    shortcode1 = [
     99        "js/shortcodes/modules/shortcode1.js"
    100      ]
    101    shortcodeX = [
    102        "js/shortcodes/modules/shortcodeX.js"
    103      ]
    104  [params.includes.fencedcodes.css]
    105    shortcode1 = [
    106        "css/fencedcodes/shortcode1.css"
    107      ]
    108    shortcodeX = [
    109        "css/fencedcodes/shortcodeX.css"
    110      ]
    111  [params.includes.fencedcodes.js]
    112    shortcode1 = [
    113        "js/fencedcodes/shortcode1.js"
    114      ]
    115    shortcodeX = [
    116        "js/fencedcodes/shortcodeX.js"
    117      ]
    118  [params.includes.fencedcodes.jsModules]
    119    shortcode1 = [
    120        "js/fencedcodes/modules/shortcode1.js"
    121      ]
    122    shortcodeX = [
    123        "js/fencedcodes/modules/shortcodeX.js"
    124      ]
  2. Define shortcut labels that will appear in the shortcut help menu (in the appropriate i18n translation file):
     1- id: navbarinfo_content
     2  translation: |
     3    Website built with [Hugo](    
     4- id: navbarinfo_github_main
     5  translation: GitHub repository
     6- id: navbarinfo_github_download
     7  translation: Download
     8- id: navbarinfo_github_issue
     9  translation: Report an issue
    10- id: navbarinfo_github_fork
    11  translation: Fork
    12# Comma-separated labels associated with the keyboard keys of the shortcut
    13- id: example_keys_wording
    14  translation: 'Shift,1'
    15# Shortcut description
    16- id: example_wording
    17  translation: 'Display a shortcut example'
    18- id: shortcut_example
    19  translation: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut aliquam metus. Nam massa lectus, consequat nec est eget, faucibus suscipit nunc. Donec dapibus tortor eget libero laoreet, quis commodo orci mattis. Pellentesque in arcu et odio viverra varius vitae sit amet dolor. Mauris venenatis malesuada leo, et egestas lectus feugiat vel. Morbi pretium id turpis ac varius. Integer ut ipsum augue.'
  3. Define the javascript code associated with the shortcut and called through the function defined in step 1:
    import {
    } from './theme/modules/helpers.min.js';
    // Function to display a shortcut example
    window.scExample = scExample;
    function scExample() {
      let el = document.createElement('div');
      el.innerHTML = '{{- i18n "shortcut_example" -}}';